
  • Submerged Arc Welding Equipment
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Submerged arc welding is a process of forming an arc between a continuously fed electrode that is submerged beneath a layer of powder flux and the workpiece. The electrode is usually a solid or cored wire but can also be a strip of sheet or sintered material.

Sub arc welding is used for longitudinal and circumferential butt and fillet welds. The process has uses in many different applications. It is used for industries involving heavy steel plate fabrication, including the welding of structural shapes and the manufacture of machine components, as well as vessels and tanks for pressure and storage use. Submerged arc welding is commonly found in the shipbuilding industry for splicing and fabricating sub-assemblies, as well as surfacing and buildup work, maintenance, and repair.

Submerged Arc Welding Equipment

Compared to other welding types, submerged arc welding may require a higher capital investment, but the productivity gains provide a substantial return. In order to get the most out of the Sub arc welding process, the proper equipment is needed. The SAW equipment needed consists of:
  • A welding machine or power source
  • Electrode material
  • Welding head and control system
  • Welding torch for automatic welding or the welding gun and cable assembly for semiautomatic welding
  • The flux hopper and feeding mechanism
  • Welding flux oven
  • A travel mechanism for automatic welding

Depending on what capabilities you want from your Sub arc welding process, a few variations in equipment can be made. Using multiple wires instead of only one electrode can provide travel speed and deposition rate improvements. Multiple power sources can also be used to utilize different polarities in multiple electrodes.


Advantages of Sub Arc Welding Equipment

Depending on your application needs, submerged arc welding provides many advantages. These benefits include:
  • Strong, solid, uniform welds
  • Corrosion resistant with good impact value
  • Suitable for indoor and outdoor works
  • Smooth, uniform finished weld with no spatter
  • Minimal welding fume
  • Less distortion
  • Minimal arc flash, meaning minimal protective clothing required
  • Easy automation for high-operator factor
  • At least half or more of the flux is recoverable

Contact Mitrowski Welding for Sub Arc Welding Equipment

Mitrowski Welding is a major supplier of new and used fabrication welding and positioning equipment. Our subarc welding equipment includes new, used and reconditioned submerged arc welding equipment and supplies. We stock:
  • Flux holding ovens
  • Flux recovery systems (vacuums)
  • Subarc Welding power supplies
  • Lincoln DC-1000 and Lincoln DC-1500
  • Subarc head and controls
  • Lincoln NA-3
  • Lincoln NA-5
  • Subarc welding tractors including Lincoln LT-7 and LT-56.
We carry handheld Sub arc welding equipment and systems with pressurized flux tanks. Our service department can rig-out a sub arc welding system to meet your exact needs including the cables and mounting hardware. We also repair and rent all types of Sub arc welding equipment.

Mitrowski Welding supplies welding manipulatorswelding positioners, and tank turning rolls from the best brand names including Miller ElectricLincoln, Thermal Dynamics, Thermal Arc, Koike Aronson, Readco, and Profax.

To learn more about our sub arc welding equipment and other welding suppleis, contact us today or request a quote.

©2025 Mitrowski Welding Equipment, Ltd. - 1315 College Ave. - South Houston, Texas 77587

800-218-9620 - 713-943-8032 - Fax: 713-944-1060